M Celebrity Zodiac Signs

 Here’s your guide to all celebrity zodiac signs! You may know your favorite celebrity birthday, but do you know their zodiac sign? Learn more about various celebrities’ zodiac signs!

  1. Celebrity Zodiac Signs
  2. > M Celebrities

Michelle Obama

JANUARY 17 |capricorn
To be a First Lady, one must have excellent communication skills. Thankfully, Capricorns are no stranger to this skillset. Passionate and determined, Michelle Obama remains one of the most popular First Ladies ever due to her popularity with diplomats and the legislative successes of her “Let’s Move!” campaign in America. Photo: Tim Pierce via Wikimedia Commons

Mick Jagger

JULY 26 |leo
Leos are showmen, and Mick Jagger is the ultimate showman! This Rolling Stone singer is known for his expressiveness, bold style, scene-stealing antics, and passion for everything he does.

Mila Kunis

AUGUST 14 |leo
Ah, those big eyes! This actress lied about her age to get on That 70’s Show, proving that Leo ambition. Photo: Gage Skidmore

Miley Cyrus

NOVEMBER 23 |sagittarius
November 23 This Sagittarius embraces the sign’s creative, strong-willed, and blunt qualities with her unique fashion and old partying antics. Photo: Mariana Raquel

Morgan Freeman

JUNE 01 |gemini
While he may not act like a Gemini, iconic actor Morgan Freeman certainly possesses the aura of one: a self-assured figure who believes he can be anything he wants to be. Photo: Live Life Happy
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