The year of the wood Dragon can be quite a good year for Tiger natives. There will be new projects to jump into and exciting ventures to be part of. You could fall in love quickly or rekindle the flame of passion with your partner. Your family could get larger this year through marriage or the birth of a child. And you’re rising in your career. This is a year of “go big or go home,” and you’re ready for the challenge.
✨Year of the Dragon is here! Find out what's in store for you!✨
The year 2025 is the third year of your twelve-year cycle. If you think of the twelve-year cycle like a year on the farm, this is the end of spring. You’ve been busy over the last couple of years, planting new seeds for a great crop in the future. Now you’re starting to see some results from your projects and the connections you’ve made. But you can’t just leave these little seedlings alone. Tiger, you must put time and energy into your projects and nurture your relationships if you want to see them grow.
There are many benefits for you when you spend time connecting with your community in 2025. Consider joining groups or professional organizations. Take action when it comes to gathering resources of all kinds. Make connections with knowledgeable people who are willing to help you. Find opportunities for investing or creating passive income. And look for ways to fund your adventures. Overall, Tiger, the year of the wood Dragon could be an exciting, wild ride.
There are great opportunities for Tiger natives when it comes to love and romance in the year of the wood Dragon. You’ll find that the air is positively tingling with excitement for most of the year. There is time for fun activities and time for private moments together.
If you’re looking for love, you have the best opportunities when you get involved in new activities. Look for activities that involve motion, like dancing, biking, and skating. Tiger, you could also have good luck finding romance when attending business or financial conferences or seminars.
If you’re already in a love relationship, you might be very playful with each other. You might choose to have more fun together, sharing activities and looking for a family adventure. This year, you really enjoy each other’s company.
In early May 2025, you and your partner might come together to work on a difficult project. When it’s time to celebrate your success, not only will you feel closer as a couple, but you will also be admired by others for your great relationship. If you’re looking for love, you could meet someone during stressful circumstances who turns out to be a great match.
Toward the end of December 2025, you and your partner might find yourselves on opposite sides of an issue. While you don’t generally like to compromise, Tiger, it’s important that you listen to your partner and not dismiss their arguments out of hand. If your relationship is new, your partner might want to rein in your spending while you want to splurge.
Family & Friends
There’s good energy for Tiger natives around friends and family in the year of the wood Dragon. While you’re quite busy this year, you are making time for fun events with people you enjoy hanging out with. This year, you might do some things you’ve never done before, like take the family on a vacation to an exotic location or attend a festival or conference where you get to meet a lot of like-minded people.
When it comes to family, there’s a lot of energy around expansion, which means that perhaps you’re merging families with someone through a relationship or one of your older kids is getting married. Tiger, you might become a grandparent. There’s also energy around expanding the home itself, perhaps renovating or adding on to the house.
When it comes to friendships, you can make some good connections at work or through a work-related organization. Consider joining a professional group, Tiger, and you might find a soul mate among your workmates.
Toward the beginning of June 2025, you could gather with family members to make a significant investment, such as buying property, or you might be putting your assets in trust for the family. Alternatively, you could be selling land you inherited years ago.
Toward the beginning of October 2025, a friend might surprise you by announcing that they’re engaged or getting married. Tiger, you might have an opportunity to attend a destination wedding in a beautiful place or be asked to be part of the wedding party.
There’s some good energy for Tiger natives during the year of the wood Dragon, and this can translate into a promotion or a job with a higher salary. You’re quite productive this year, meaning you’re finishing projects on time or going above and beyond expectations. This brings you more clout and respect in the office.
Around the beginning of April 2025, there might be some innovation in your industry that is a game changer for you. It could make you more efficient, so it would be worth gaining expertise in this area. This could free up your time and allow for more creativity and enjoyment in your work.
Toward the end of January 2025, you might face an important deadline and need to rally your team to make sure everything is completed on time. If you’re looking for a job, Tiger, aim high. You have the potential to secure a better position and higher pay if you bring your confidence and expertise to the negotiating table.
Tiger, more money is flowing into your life in the year of the wood Dragon. Some of the projects or investments you’ve been working on for the past year are likely showing gains. Also, this year offers opportunities for unique investments when you think outside the box. Tiger, there could be companies engaged in innovative projects that capture your attention.
Around the beginning of June 2025, someone could approach you with an exciting business opportunity or investment idea. They might discuss expected gains that surpass your previous experience. However, it’s important to be cautious during this time, because many people will be chasing after gains that never materialize.
Toward the end of December 2025, there could be a moneymaking opportunity that has the potential for significant gains, but it will require some effort. Tiger, you’ll need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and consider how much time you have available to invest in this opportunity.