Major Arcana Cards

Dating back to 14th century Europe, Tarot cards have been used for divination, games, and personal development. Traditionally, Tarot decks are composed of 78 cards, divided into two sections: Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. On this page you'll find everything you need to know about Major Arcana cards including keywords, zodiac sign association, history, and meanings in love and career Tarot readings.

The Hermit  Tarot Card

The Hermit

If you're wondering whether it's time to embark on an adventure of self-discovery, the Hermit's brightly lit lamp is a clear sign that it's time to look within.

Alone in a desert, on a solitary journey, the Hermit walks toward us. The cloak she wears is simple, and the staff she holds helps her navigate even the trickiest of passages. These tools symbolize the ability to practice humility and discretion. Seeking answers from within is only easy once you remove ego and self-doubt.

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Strength  Tarot Card


This card symbolizes the epitome of the saying, 'strength comes from within.' As it appears, it's time to gather your emotional resources and face the challenges in your life with power and grace. Brute force won't get you where you want to go. A strong vision and belief in yourself, however, will take you far.

The woman represented on this card comes forth with a lion by her side—representing zodiac sign Leo. The lion isn't forceful or cruel as it's calmed by Strength's kindness and compassion as she shows the wild animal that love can soothe even the most savage beast. This is especially true when that savage beast is made up of your own fears or insecurities.

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The Lovers  Tarot Card

The Lovers

The Lovers card represents a major choice that you'll soon have to make. But don't be fooled: That choice isn't always about romantic love. Truthfully, it's a choice regarding where to direct your energy so you're able to create deeper and more meaningful connections. Feeling like you've just been floating? The Lovers card is a clear sign that it's time to dive into the depth below—whether that's in your relationships with others or yourself.

Two wolves are pictured here, mirroring one another. Their duality, and similarity, suggest the nigh impossible choice that we're faced with. The wolves circle around the Gemini glyph, representing their devotion to the mutable zodiac sign. Though, if you're able to reconsider your question or intent, the choice might become clearer.

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The Chariot  Tarot Card

The Chariot

Are you ready to move forward? If the Chariot shows up in your reading, it's no time to start slacking. Congratulate yourself for your hard work, but also continue riding the wave of victory to the finish line.

Take a close look at the card. The three horses come at us with steadfast persistence and bravery; together they are a force. They mirror the three moon phases that float above them, symbolic of keeping strong full cycle—from start to finish. Glistening above it all, the glyph of Cancer shines. It suggests that if you can balance conflicting emotions with life's daily obstacles, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

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The Hierophant  Tarot Card

The Hierophant

The Hierophant will educate you in the sacred teachings of the world. He's a kind, good-natured spiritual leader who has your best interests in mind. He holds the keys to great knowledge. But you may need to defer to tradition if you are to wield the power he promises you.

The Hierophant takes form as a spiritual guru in this card. He wears jewelry and garments of many religions. Above him he holds a skull, symbolic of his connection to humanity. As a human force in the spiritual world, the Hierophant is innately attached to the human world, but he is also connected to the universe as a whole. His teachings and advice are for our highest good.

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The Emperor  Tarot Card

The Emperor

Think of someone you admire. If that person is responsible, decisive, and clear in their thinking and action, they have much in common with the Emperor. That person may not be a nurturer by nature, but they make up for it with their ability to plan, structure, and delegate. And the world is better for it.

Of course, the Emperor's rigidity may not always be in order. While his scepter and stern eye may gleam as though he has everything under control, the confining foliage beneath him indicates that too much structure can rob us of our lust for life.

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The Empress  Tarot Card

The Empress

The Empress is all about personal growth. The power she possesses is unlimited.

Take a look at the Empress' scepter. She wields it with a force that's gentle but firm. She rises from green foliage below, with a crown lined with flowers, attracting a bee—all of which is symbolic of her innate connection with nature. The symbol of Venus hovers above her as a portrayal of divine femininity. The Empress embraces all aspects of her being—physical, sexual, emotional—with a voracious appetite that holds no room for fear. If you stop and listen, you can hear her whispering, 'Embrace your power,' directly into your soul.

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The High Priestess  Tarot Card

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the wisest woman you've ever met. And like all the smartest people in your life, she guards her secrets closely. She's a reminder that to know yourself, you must cut out the noise and look inwards. You possess all the intuition you need to make life's biggest decisions.

The High Priestess faces us head on, challenging us to seek truth to our deepest desires from what we know already. The scroll she holds (representing knowledge) and the lunar crescent above her (representing inner emotions) are testaments to her pursuit for knowledge from within. Let her calm presence guide you to the knowledge you already possess.

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The Magician  Tarot Card

The Magician

The Magician Tarot card represents someone at the beginning of their journey. The path is new, but they have no fear. They have all the tools they need.

The Magician holds out his hands. In his possession he occupies all the suits of the Minor Arcana: Cups, Swords, Pentacles, and Wands. His white cloak symbolizes his purity of character; his shirt beneath has a Mercury glyph to represent the communicative planet he rules by. The infinity symbol above his head and the snake biting its own tail, both representing never-ending cycles, point to his unlimited potential. No matter what spells or illusions the Magician creates, he does so with the confidence of someone who knows they will succeed.

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The Fool  Tarot Card

The Fool

The Fool marks the beginning of a journey. He is ready, willing, and excited for a new adventure. Whether this is his first time out in the world or just the latest of a series of adventures, he greets each new experience with a childlike sense of wonder and enthusiasm. There may be obstacles along the way, but you know what? He's got this.

With arms open wide and feet abounding in nature, the Fool has a vibrant enthusiasm for what's to come. The Fool's hope, represented by the colorful backdrop, combines with the need to seek something new, symbolized by the butterflies about the sky. Ready for anything, we see her arms outstretched toward the glyph of Uranus, the planet of change and rebellion. With eyes closed the Fool dances, suggesting that she is not afraid of falling or making mistakes.

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The Tower  Tarot Card

The Tower

'Nothing is forever' is a hard lesson to learn. Even harder? The lesson that the Tower teaches: Nothing is ever truly stable. And if you've pulled this card, it means your life may have already experienced or will soon experience an upheaval. Don't be afraid, though. If it feels like your life is falling, it's because you may have put your energy into endeavors that weren't truly worthwhile. If this card appears in your reading, take it as a warning and a gift. Strong change is coming, but if you expect it and learn from its destruction, you'll become truer to yourself in the future.

The Tower, made of rocks and foliage, is suddenly struck by lightning in this card—jolting the rocks so the Tower will fall to the ground. The shock of its hit is representative of the spontaneous destruction this card brings into our lives. The crow, a foreboding omen. However, at the bottom of the Tower we see blooming mushrooms and plants. This is to suggest a new beginning is possible once the Tower falls.

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The Devil  Tarot Card

The Devil

The Devil card doesn't mean that you're evil (perhaps a little impish?), but it does signify that you're far too focused on the material rather than the spiritual realm. Anything that has to do with physical possessions or intentions that are more harmful than good is something this card will highlight. For instance, if you're more concerned with your physical appearance, you're feeling a little envious of others who have more than you, or your comments have been crueler than they should, that's when the Devil would appear. It tells you that you're leading an unbalanced life that lacks perception.

The goat (symbolic of Capricorn) depicted in this card is so faded, it's close to a 'shadow' of the animal itself. This symbolizes the fate one suffers if they become lost in material possessions—as they become a 'shadow' of their former self. In order to free yourself of this bondage, you must first recognize it and embrace your dark side.

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Temperance  Tarot Card


Balance is hard to find, but the Temperance card is clear: You're finding it in your own life. Now, keep that moderation going. All of life is a balancing act and you're well on your way to reaching inner peace. Nurture it.

If you're feeling calmer just looking at this card, imagine what it'd be like to bring that calm to the rest of your life. With the fire and water elements juggled on both sides, Temperance is a true depiction of balance. She enjoys all the sensations that life has to offer, on both ends of the spectrum: good and bad, happy and sad, and so forth. Through her hands the elements combine to create perfect harmony. They ask you to seek this in your own life.

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Death  Tarot Card


First: You're not going to die! While it may look intense, the Death card isn't suggesting that you're headed on the road to your demise. Instead, the primary lesson to learn from this card is that change is inevitable. Things begin, and things end. Then things begin again. Absent of fear, be ready for sudden change. Letting go can lead to a powerful transformation.

While the depiction of a human skull may be unsettling, it's a reminder that none of us—not kings nor any others in power—can truly control what comes next. But we can choose how we respond to it. In the card we don't just see a skull, we also see blooming flowers. So, Death isn't just the end; it's also the beginning. A rebirth. The sooner we accept that, the faster we'll grow.

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The Hanged Man  Tarot Card

The Hanged Man

Do you feel like you're being tested? The Hanged Man card suggests that you may be facing a time of uncertainty in your life. But don't give up on yourself. You may need to make a difficult decision regarding your future—but with some honest reflection, meditation, and creative thinking, it's likely you'll come out of it all right.

Don't worry about the man depicted on this card. He's not in any grave physical danger. In fact, he's feeling calm in the face of his situation. Though he's upside down and dangling dangerously over a deep crevice, he's using this time to think about his circumstances in a new way. The infinity symbol below his head suggests the concept of unlimited possibility. There are a million solutions, you just have to think outside the box.

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Justice  Tarot Card


If you've been wondering whether the universe can be fair, now is the time to start believing that you'll get the outcome that you deserve. Is that positive or negative? Only you know the answer. The Justice card, however, signifies that whatever you've got going on will be solved with whatever fairness exists out in the cosmos. That doesn't always mean you'll get the outcome you want. But it does mean that order will soon be restored.

In her right hand, Justice holds a scale with a heart on it (emotion). While in her left, her scale holds a skull (logic). She walks across a sword, blindfolded. This represents the calm, rational mind that she needs in order to make decisions clearly—without catering too heavily to her heart or her head. If one scale were to tip, it would throw off balance. If you're to judge and be judged fairly, you must focus on all aspects of the situation before making a decision.

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The World  Tarot Card

The World

The World card signifies a long journey coming to an end. If you've recently accomplished a lifelong goal such as purchasing a house, that's why this card appears. Take a well-earned victory lap before you prepare for the next big adventure.

The card depicts a butterfly at its last stage in life: fully transformed and able to fly. Such is the representation the World card brings: The end to a long journey. As the butterfly rises above, there's a sense of accomplishment and success associated with its movement. That's because the World's presence is a clear indicator that you have lived, you have loved, and you have learned. It's time to use that information to live the life you want.

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Judgement  Tarot Card


Everyone wants to be seen in their best light, right? Seeing the Judgment card in your reading is a sign that you're looking for the recognition you and your loved ones deserve. Good news: If you've been kind and fair, then this is how the world will see you. And you'll have no fear in being seen. As one of the last cards in the Major Arcana journey, Judgement signifies that you've succeeded in growing and progressing the way you've needed. It could be a signal that now's the time to be seen or heard, or that one more step to success is on the horizon.

This card shows an eclipse. The sun's disappearance behind the moon presents a moment of pure darkness, symbolic of the revelation taking place. But once that moment of acceptance has passed, healing begins. The sun makes its way from behind the moon, lighting up a new path.

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The Sun  Tarot Card

The Sun

Here comes the sun! This is one of the most positive cards in the deck. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief—you've earned it. Like a light at the end of the tunnel, the Sun's presence is a signal that any darkness you feel has consumed your life will soon dissipate. This is also a great time to show love for others! Share your exaltation with others instead of glistening in the light on your own. Bring the Sun's energy into their lives too.

The Sun radiates at the hands seen in this card. Below the hands, a flower blossoms—symbolic of what can happen if you lead your life by the light of the Sun's positivity. It emphasizes the fact that you hold the power to get what you want. Now is the time to lean on confidence. Success is just around the corner!

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The Moon  Tarot Card

The Moon

Not everything is as it seems. That much is true if the Moon makes an appearance in your reading. You may have to snap yourself out of a dreamlike trance in order to uncover the truth that's underneath the surface. If you've been feeling ambivalent or confused lately, the Moon's presence suggests that it's time to focus on seeing things more clearly. Have your dreams repeated? Don't ignore your intuition. Try to interpret what these unconscious thoughts actually mean.

The woman presented in the card stares at you with a slightly inquisitive look, as if she's not sure what she's seeing is real. Behind her is a fragmented backdrop of the moon. Both of these details portray the Moon's tendency to cause confusion and getting wrapped up in illusion. In order to see straight, you have to turn and look at the situation head on. There's no way to face it without turning toward it.

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The Star  Tarot Card

The Star

If you've pulled the Star card, you know you're going the right way. If you're setting goals for yourself, you'll make sure to see them through. And though rewards may still be on the horizon, the Star's presence is a nice sign that you can continue to the future on the path that you're on. Relax, allow yourself to enjoy the journey, and always keep striving.

Fueled by bright energy, the Star card radiates red and orange colors. At the top, the Aquarius glyph is fully present, a testament to the Star's quest for bigger and better futures. Let its optimism fuel you forward.

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Wheel of Fortune  Tarot Card

Wheel of Fortune

Are you ready for a shakeup? The Wheel of Fortune indicates that one is coming. But don't be too worried. This card sends the message that nothing is permanent. Good luck, bad luck, love, and loss… All things change at the pace that they should.

Regardless of the deck you use, the Wheel of Fortune's art makes one thing clear: The wheel is always moving. A period of good fortune may follow bad, and vice versa. Enjoy the good times, learn from the bad. You never know when your luck will change.

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Tarot art by Lumina Tarot

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