Learn the possible meanings of your dreams.
Life. One of the few universal symbols. An active ocean, teeming with life, with high waves and crashing surf, implies that life will soon become much busier. A calm ocean: A peaceful life. A stormy sea: Trouble ahead. The need to be prepared.
Astrological parallels: Cancer.
Corresponding Dream Tarot Card: The Moon.
Astrological parallels: Cancer.
Corresponding Dream Tarot Card: The Moon.
1. A familiar office: Safety and security, as much emotional security as job or financial security.
2. A strange office full of strange people: If the dreamer feels comfortable, new friends are in his immediate future. If the dreamer feels lost and out of place, then he should take a good long look at his current circumstances - work, love, friendships - and see if they are serving him.
Astrological parallels: Taurus.
2. A strange office full of strange people: If the dreamer feels comfortable, new friends are in his immediate future. If the dreamer feels lost and out of place, then he should take a good long look at his current circumstances - work, love, friendships - and see if they are serving him.
Astrological parallels: Taurus.