Sep 2024 - This month, a setback is a benefit in disguise.

There is a new moon in Cancer on July 5. Aquarius, planning is key to success. This is a good time to sit down and look at where you want to be a year from now, three years from now, or five years from now. Write actionable steps and put them into your schedule. You are on your way.

Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the fifteenth. You might wake up and want to make a radical change. You could apply for a job in another country, or you might start a business today. As you bust through limitations, you see that the road ahead is open to you.

July 21 brings the full moon in Capricorn. Aquarius, a loss is really a win for you. If you don’t get the job or you missed out on a contract, you will see later that this is to your benefit. Don’t cry over what’s lost. You will be smiling soon enough.

On the twenty-second, the sun enters the sign of Leo and then opposes Pluto in Aquarius. You underestimate your power. Today, others can see your potential. When someone suggests that you can do something, give it a try.

More Horoscopes for Aquarius

Aquarius Compatibility and Traits

Aquarius Sign Compatibility

Aquarius Star Dates and Traits


Nothing says "quirky" quite like Aquarius energy does. This member of the zodiac embodies rebellion, creativity, eccentricity, and intelligence.

They're driven by a desire to evolve past antiquated ideals, and help society move into a more compassionate space. They can be seen as unpredictable or disorganized, but often surprise people with their streaks of brilliance and hidden genius.Learn More

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