Sep 2024 - This month, the finish line is in sight.

There is a new moon on Friday, July 5. Exciting job prospects loom on the horizon, especially if you’re looking for something in management or something with a creative element like social media, design, or entertainment. Horse, there might be a job that requires travel, but it could be something that expands your skill set so much that it would be worth it. There are also possibilities for remote work or jobs with flexible schedules.

Saturday, July 6, brings the Yin metal Goat month. Finances take center stage this month. You could receive news of a raise or bonus that is coming in the near future. You might be impatient and want this to happen quickly. But even if you’re tempted to act impulsively, try to resist that urge. By proceeding carefully, you could gain more than you expect. Watch for opportunities that come not just from your job but also from investments, friendships, and professional collaborations.

On Sunday, July 21, there is a full moon. Horse, you might have to look again at some home repairs. Something you thought was fixed might need some attention. If you work in real estate, this could be a profitable time.

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