Sep 2024 - The month begins with accomplishment, Scorpio, as Mercury enters Leo on July 2 and uplifts your tenth house of personal power. Your communication skills could help advance your career. Share your creative ideas to experience the recognition you deserve. The Cancer new moon in your ninth house of exploration on the fifth invites you to embark upon a new adventure!

Venus sashays into Leo on July 11, providing a dose of confidence. Your impact on others elevates, which puts you in the position of influencer. Show up courageously. This favorable time can help deepen professional relationships by encouraging meaningful connection. Mars jets into inquisitive Gemini on the twentieth to light up your eighth house of transformation, beckoning you into a rebirth process.

On July 21, the potent Capricorn full moon in your third house of consciousness graces the sky and asks you to release the thoughts that hold you back. This lunation brings the opportunity to reassess your communication style, refine your internal dialogue, and create a master plan to broadcast your ideas far and wide!

Your professional life gets a mega boost when the sun moves into Leo on the twenty-second and brings its warmth to your tenth house of achievement. The key to your ultimate success is to set high goals and activate your charisma to reach them. It’s an excellent time for pitches, presentations, and creating profound impact on others. The energy is social, thoughtful, and helpful when Mercury moves into Virgo on July 25 to awaken your eleventh house of friendship.

Good luck this month, Scorpio!

Standout days: 5, 10, 21
Challenging days: 8, 14, 27

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Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

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