Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024 - The start of the week brings changes to your home when Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in your family zone on Monday. This is a great time to look for a new place, finish DIY projects, or add a new member to the family. Good luck!

Passion and pleasure will be the themes for much of the rest of the year once Mars enters Gemini and your creativity zone on Saturday. You’re eager to work on creative projects and improve your talents, so you’ll develop a lust for life over the new few months. It’s also a good time for a flirty love affair.

End the week by being alone with your thoughts and emotions when the full moon is in Capricorn and your subconscious zone on Sunday. Secrets could come out, and you might have to deal with some hurt feelings. Take care of it now before the retrograde, Aquarius.

More Horoscopes for Aquarius

Aquarius Compatibility and Traits

Aquarius Sign Compatibility

Aquarius Star Dates and Traits


Nothing says "quirky" quite like Aquarius energy does. This member of the zodiac embodies rebellion, creativity, eccentricity, and intelligence.

They're driven by a desire to evolve past antiquated ideals, and help society move into a more compassionate space. They can be seen as unpredictable or disorganized, but often surprise people with their streaks of brilliance and hidden genius.Learn More

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