Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024 - Get ready to express yourself and show the world who you are when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. This is a great day to enjoy art in all its forms or use fashion to make a statement. Have fun and enjoy!

You’ll be passionate about putting down roots for the rest of the year once Mars enters Gemini and your home zone on Saturday. This is a great time to get closer to your family and understand your roots. It will help you build a foundation for your own life.

End the week on a social note when the full moon is in Capricorn and your social zone on Sunday. This is a great time to hang out with friends, work on social causes, and make a wish. This day can bring windfalls, Pisces, as relationships of all kinds make you feel good.

More Horoscopes for Pisces

Pisces Compatibility and Traits

Pisces Sign Compatibility

Pisces Star Dates and Traits


Pisces signs have a peaceful and gentle presence about them, with an uncanny ability to tap into the emotions of the collective.

They're extremely malleable and need to be careful of who they surround themselves with. Since they are hyper-intuitive, they can sometimes become disconnected–making it important for this water sign to ground often.Learn More

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