Sep 2024 - A dynamic focus on your health zone continues as assertive Mars powers through Taurus. If you’ve been neglecting your health, you might now become more aware of those areas that need attention. You’ll need to be more proactive about developing good habits and letting go of the bad ones, Sagittarius. Doing so successfully will depend on your self-concept.

If you visualize yourself as someone who enjoys a high level of fitness and well-being, and you really take this on board, you’ll naturally develop the habits and routines that will enable you to enjoy this state. Soon enough, it will become second nature. This month, focus on what you do want regarding your health rather than what you don’t.

More Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Compatibility and Traits

Sagittarius Sign Compatibility

Sagittarius Star Dates and Traits


Sagittarius is one of the most beloved members of the zodiac–with an adventurous, charismatic, and generous spirit.

They lean toward optimism and love to take risks, but need to be mindful of living in the present and making practical plans for the future. Sagittarius are natural philosophers and are always looking to explore the mysteries of the universe.Learn More

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