Sep 2024 - This is going to be a hot month in more ways than one, but first there’s a calm, harmonious Venus-Saturn trine in warm water signs on July 2 to help you wade into the emotional waters slowly. Stability and commitment are the focus now, and there are a lot of ways you can strengthen your bond and create a secure foundation for your relationship to build on in the future.

The heat intensifies on the eleventh, though, as Venus, your love vixen leader, moves into fiery Leo and brings the drama. You really want to connect on a more passionate level than you have been lately, but are you willing to participate in risky behavior just to have some fun? The payoff is either worth it or it isn’t, Taurus.

The sun also partners with hot Leo starting on July 22, bringing out your confidence and giving you the guts to make some pretty bold statements and declarations. As you exude an aura of charisma and magnetism, bae is even more attracted to you than usual. You don’t have to do much to reignite that spark!

More Horoscopes for Taurus

Taurus Compatibility and Traits

Taurus Sign Compatibility

Taurus Star Dates and Traits


No one will expose you to the finer things in life quite like a Taurus.

This fixed earth sign has impeccable taste and loves to indulge. They tend to be financially responsible, but still know how to treat themselves and the ones they love. Though they do have a stubborn streak, this member of the zodiac is incredibly loyal and reliable.Learn More

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