Sep 2024 - When you want something, you usually get it, so when you pursue someone during the determined Mars-Saturn sextile on July 5, it comes as a surprise to no one that they will say yes eventually! Your persistence (combined with your charm) definitely pays off, Aries.

The charismatic combo of Venus and Leo starts on the eleventh and creates an electric vibe between you and someone you want to get to know better. You’re not afraid to make the first move, but you also want to feel like the other person wants it as badly as you do. Nothing feels better than mutual attraction.

On July 20, your feisty leader Mars partners with communicative air sign Gemini, encouraging you to express how you’re feeling about your current relationship status. Social media is an especially useful tool now for you to reach as many people as you can as quickly as possible. The more controversial your posts, the more comments, likes, and DMs you get.

More Horoscopes for Aries

Aries Compatibility and Traits

Aries Sign Compatibility

Aries Star Dates and Traits


As the first sign to appear in the zodiac, Aries are typically brave and outgoing.

They're assertive by nature and won't hesitate to tell you how they feel. But they do need to be mindful that they don't hurt anyone's feelings by speaking impulsively. They can be headstrong at times, and make better leaders than followers.Learn More

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