Sep 2024 - If you don’t like the way your love life has been going lately, don’t worry. You get a chance to change it up when purposeful Pallas stations direct while paired with your transformative sign on July 9. It’s time to put into action those plans you’ve been thinking about and finally get rewarded for your efforts.

Your legendary leader Mars partners with flexible Gemini and your sexuality zone on the twentieth, encouraging you to keep an open mind in the bedroom. Having a new attitude about sex and looking at things from someone else’s perspective is liberating and can lead to some positive long-term, eye-opening changes. Yes, sultry Scorpio, even for you!

On July 25, an invigorating sun-Mars sextile perks you up and reminds you that the things you want are within your grasp. Your love life doesn’t have to be your top priority, but you get out of it what you put into it. Maybe things just magically happen for other people, but if you want a new lover or long-term relationship, you need to make it happen.

More Horoscopes for Scorpio

Scorpio Compatibility and Traits

Scorpio Sign Compatibility

Scorpio Star Dates and Traits


Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

They are extremely intuitive and make natural psychologists with an ability to easily read those around them. They form intense bonds with their friends and romantic partners, but they can become possessive or jealous if they're not completely confident with themselves.Learn More

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