Sep 2024 - Your zodiac bestie Leo starts hosting love goddess Venus on July 2, which turns up the heat on your love life by about a thousand degrees. You’re extremely hard to resist now, Sag, so you can pretty much spend time with a different person every night (if that’s what you want). You love getting attention, but that doesn’t mean you’re not picky!

A fateful Mercury-Jupiter sextile on the eighth catches you off guard with some surprises, but most of them will work in your favor. You love a good adventure, so saying yes to a spontaneous invitation is super exciting! And even if it doesn’t live up to the hype you create about it in your head, at least you’ll have a good story to tell someday.

You’re surrounded by confident energy from an upbeat sun-Mars sextile on July 25 that has you feeling like you can accomplish just about anything. Your hidden talents are exposed now, which will probably draw a crowd. If you meet someone you have a solid connection with based on shared interests, get their contact info.

More Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Compatibility and Traits

Sagittarius Sign Compatibility

Sagittarius Star Dates and Traits


Sagittarius is one of the most beloved members of the zodiac–with an adventurous, charismatic, and generous spirit.

They lean toward optimism and love to take risks, but need to be mindful of living in the present and making practical plans for the future. Sagittarius are natural philosophers and are always looking to explore the mysteries of the universe.Learn More

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