Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024 - Your fast-thinking leader Mercury is in flamboyant Leo all week, so your interactions could get quite dramatic. Which you can’t stand. Do you want to hear gossip about bae’s coworkers, talk about celebrity scandals, or play mind games? No. But if you aren’t on the same wavelength, you might have to hop on theirs for a little while just to get a word in.

A big communication shift comes on Saturday, though, as powerful Mars enters air sign Gemini and blows up your communication zone. Conversations are fast-paced and cerebral now, Virgo, and if you put your heads together you might be able to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems. Conversations could get a little heated, so take a break and step away if you need to in order to keep the peace.

Sunday brings an interesting Mercury-Uranus square that has you both on edge and could cause sudden outbursts and stubborn arguments. Not thinking things through and just acting on impulse can lead to hurt feelings or worse. Your biggest challenge in this unemotional aspect is avoiding knee-jerk reactions and letting your ego get bruised.

More Horoscopes for Virgo

Virgo Compatibility and Traits

Virgo Sign Compatibility

Virgo Star Dates and Traits


One of the most efficient members of the zodiac, Virgos are organized, driven, and meticulous in their work.

They are very detail-oriented, making them master editors with extremely high standards. However, they need to be mindful that they are not overly demanding or critical of themselves or those around them.Learn More

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