Jan 2025 - The month starts with Mercury moving into Gemini on June 3. This transit starts a great time to communicate our needs and wants, which means that we will be having insightful thoughts and embracing our inquisitive minds as the month goes forward.
The new moon in Gemini occurs on the sixth, allowing us to discuss what can help push our visions and dreams forward.
With Mars entering Taurus on June 8, we might feel it, so it’s hard to move in the direction we want because this is a lethargic transit for the action planet. However, in due time, we will progress and do our best to succeed.
Venus moves into Cancer on the sixteenth, heightening our emotions and desire to connect with others at an intimate level. Hours later, the next day, Mercury swims into Cancer, adding sentimentality to our words.
The sun enters Cancer on June 20, bringing a new season and the summer solstice. This is an energetically rich day where we want to celebrate new beginnings and earth. The summer solstice is an amazing time to set aspirations for the season ahead. Therefore, we must use this time to our advantage and manifest our hopes for the next three months.
The full moon in Capricorn commences on the twenty-first. This lunation allows us to assess our emotions and reflect upon the past to know what we want to bring into our lives in the future. Use it as a moment of contemplation to gain clarity.
Saturn begins its retrograde journey in Pisces on June 29. This will allow us to decide who and what we want to commit to and what we want to give our energy to. We will learn lessons during this time that will help us decide how we want to partner, boss up, and treat others. Maintaining boundaries is key.
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