Libra Money & Career Horoscope

Will you get lucky this year, Libra? By looking at Jupiter, the expansive planet most connected with our destiny, we see that this year it starts in Aries, highlighting your seventh house of partnerships. This is closely tied to marrying into wealth and getting favorable judgments in financial lawsuits, so if you’ve got any of that going on, good for you! For the rest of you, keeping a steady, balanced outlook on your finances will help increase wealth in addition to creating lucrative partnerships and collaborations with other established people in your chosen field.

Money-motivated Venus joins ambitious Aries late in February, adding some excitement to your current job or encouraging you to move on and find new opportunities elsewhere. This fiery energy pushes you to keep moving and looking for the next best thing, so if you’re unemployed or looking for a more lucrative position, this is a good time to pursue a career that will keep you moving physically (police officer, firefighter, construction worker, etc.) and up the career ladder (maybe literally), as well.

And between early September and the end of December, lucky Jupiter will be retrograde in stubborn Taurus as it highlights your eighth house of transformation, which could cause a slowdown of wealth growth. Regret over past money-related decisions could come into play here, as well as thoughts of revenge against someone who’s done you wrong in a financial sense. It might be tempting to try to get your money back if you feel you lost it due to dishonesty (via a scam or “friend” who never paid you back), but efforts like these usually don’t end well. As much as it hurts to just cut your losses and walk away, this might be your best option.