Capricorn Money & Career Horoscope

Your power planet Saturn is in Pisces and your zone of logic and reason all year, Capricorn, so you get numerous opportunities to step up and prove yourself at work. Coming up with solutions to problems is relatively easy for you now, especially when you shut out all distractions and simply focus on the task at hand. And because communication is also emphasized, finding new ways and outlets to get your ideas heard will strengthen you as a current or potential employee and put you on the path to success.

Rebellious Uranus is the planet that promotes change and innovation, and as it travels through financial genius Taurus again this year, it can be a big income booster. In sync with your improving communication skills, this money-confident transit can help you ask for what you deserve regarding financial compensation, including your salary or hourly rate, raises or bonuses, commissions, and benefits. There’s no need to be in a hurry for these increases, but steady bumps in pay across all areas adds up, and by year’s end you should notice a significant pay bump if you worked the system to your full advantage!

When ambitious Mars spends time in fiery Leo between early November and the end of the year, your financial opportunities heat up right along with your love life! Just like with dating, Capricorn, it’s time to get out there and explore your options! The higher your financial goals, the more risks you’ll need to take during this determined, daring time period. Don’t leave anything on the table now. Going all in is the only way to hit the jackpot.