Gemini Money & Career Horoscope

You like to make money as much as anyone, Gemini, but you’re more about learning how to do something better and more efficiently than just collecting a check this year. As you know, Saturn, the serious planet of knowledge and ambition, is in your career house this year, so you’ll be working hard for everything you get. Learning more leads to growth and opportunities for sure, but the main hope is to end the year believing in yourself and your brilliant potential. Forget about all of your past career mistakes and start looking ahead.

Financially, lucky Jupiter will be spending the last several months of the year in your versatile, restless sign, which helps you believe in yourself and your moneymaking potential as you branch out in new directions. If you come across investment opportunities, do your own research and find out if they’re worth putting your hard-earned money into. With expansive Jupiter in your first house of the powerful self from late May through December, there’s no end to what you can do with this energetic force surrounding you. Just make sure you choose the options that are right for you rather than the ones that are trendy or just look good on paper.

Money goddess Venus will be in family-centered Cancer and your money house in late June and early July (joining the powerful sun for a portion of that time), which is a strong indication that parting with some cash for a family activity or a big-ticket item(s) will be well spent. You can’t go wrong with something that makes everyone comfy (new sofa or mattresses) or happy (tropical getaway, anyone?). What good is money if you can’t spend it on the people you love most, right?!