Libra Money & Career Horoscope

Libra, you’re usually the voice of reason at work—the one person who tries to smooth things over and everyone gets along with—but this year is a little different. While your basic gracious, nice personality stays the same, Saturn in your solar sixth house helps you prioritize other things like organization and efficiency, which might not make you quite as popular as in previous years. You’re a bit more critical now as well, and you aren’t above pointing out other people’s problems if and when it’s necessary, proving that you can’t always be everyone’s work bestie. Sorry not sorry!

Getting into healthy new routines on the job is something else that Saturn in Pisces and your sixth house will facilitate for you this year, and becoming more organized can help you in diverse ways at work. If you’re looking for a job this year, just having a copy of your resume updated and ready to go when you need it can make a big difference. There’s a lot of stiff competition out there, and having your sh*t together (or at least appearing like you do) can put you at the front of the line!

The hot, confident sun moves into social-media savvy Gemini in late May, which helps you find some lucrative business investment opportunities. Hopping on all the latest social media trends can net you a pretty profit now, Libra, so watch and listen closely to what’s being talked about and going viral. If you’re already an influencer but your brand could use a refresh, this is the time to do it. Use all of the tools at your disposal to impress the right people and get that bag!