Pisces Money & Career Horoscope

Quick-thinking Mercury pairs up with daring Sagittarius and your career zone for the first couple weeks of the year, Pisces, stirring up your creativity and encouraging you to turn your ideas into plans that can give you a step up on the job. You stand out from the rest of the crowd during this interesting transit, and while you aren’t always comfortable with that, there are more opportunities available to you now. You might never be a big-time power player, but you can use the charm of this planetary partnership to rule at work now.

With Saturn in your first house, your personal accountability is very high this year, which means you need to make an effort to capitalize on every opportunity that comes your way, especially when it relates to finances. This is a long-term growth year, though, so don’t expect to hit any huge jackpots or get any big checks from unexpected sources. Not counting on big money moments should motivate you to make small, wise moves that will benefit you in the long term and give you the financial security you want and deserve.

The notable new moon and solar eclipse in fiery Aries and your money zone show up in early April, so be sure to watch out for erratic spending during this lunation. This aggressive energy in your possessions sector can give off some pretty irresponsible vibes, sending you on silly spending sprees and putting a dent in your bank account. Find a way to stop your crazy impulse buying now or you’ll (literally) pay the consequences later.