Scorpio 2024 Horoscope

Your confidence and mysterious allure attract people to you this year, Scorpio, and while there will be times you feel like being social, you’ll spend a great deal of time alone and contemplating the deep recesses of your mind where few other people dare to go. And because powerful Mars, your co-leader, starts the year in your house of rebirth and regeneration and stays there until late March, this is one of those deeply reflective times. Your ego drives you now to address what’s in your subconscious, and by doing so you can make a much-needed (and quite stunning) personal transformation.

Your other major planetary influence is Pluto, and as it spends the first three months of the year traveling through ambitious, task-driven Capricorn and your third house of communication, you have a shrewd and powerful mind that is capable of many remarkable things. You’re able to set goals now with a more hopeful attitude, and by putting aside your sometimes pessimistic attitude you’re able to see your future bathed in bright light instead of the darkness that sometimes plagues your thoughts.

Reveal what 2024 has in the stars for you with your Yearly Horoscope!

You celebrate your birthday at some point when the sun travels with your strong, determined sign from late October to late November, giving you the chance to really show who you are and what you bring to the table—as if people didn’t already know! Scorpio season is an exciting time to take a deep dive into researching the unknown, spend quiet time alone, splurge on the black boots or leather jacket you’ve been eyeing or create a moody playlist for you and your close circle of friends to listen to while you ponder the great mysteries of the Universe.

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