Scorpio Money & Career Horoscope

In 2024, your career growth benefits from the creative, inspirational, stable, and responsible vibe it gets from the combo of Saturn in Pisces. There are two very distinct sides to career success this year, Scorpio, and it pays to know the difference. First, you have the opportunity to form exciting new relationships with coworkers, employees, bosses, and customers or clients, which can help you perform your current job at a higher level or get a job that you’ve wanted for a while or one that suits you better. And second, knowing when to have fun and relax and not get overly stressed about work is an important skill too. Strive for a balance between the two for ultimate career satisfaction.

Another lesson from hardworking Saturn as it travels in intuitive Pisces this year relates to your dream job or job opportunities that seem too good to be true. This transit helps you clear your mind so you can be more receptive to signals that you’re heading in the right direction (or not). When Saturn retrogrades between the end of June and mid-November, you’ll have valuable time to do some serious soul-searching about your career. What’s working and what isn’t? Paying attention to signs from the Universe will point you toward the success you deserve.

Abundant Jupiter, the planet linked to luck and wealth, spends the first five months of the year with money guru Taurus, reminding you to be patient with regard to your money. This long-term transit advises caution, Scorpio, so you will probably want to disregard opportunities to make a lot of money quickly that seem too good to be true. As a smart, savvy, and resourceful researcher, it doesn’t take more than a couple of keystrokes for you to find out who’s for real and who’s trying to scam you. In true Scorpion style, keep those suspicions in the back of your mind when it comes to your hard-earned cash this year!