Taurus Money & Career Horoscope

“Networking” is one of the biggest buzzwords related to your career and finances this year, Taurus. Saturn’s placement in your socialization sector encourages you to take advantage of working as part of a team and linking up with professionals who can give you a boost in both of these areas. And be sure to always RSVP yes to important invitations. Attending work-related social events and financial seminars can give you the knowledge and connections you need to succeed this year.

Lucky Jupiter is in your first house of new beginnings for the first part of the year, so you have endless opportunities in both areas. You’ll still insist on taking a prudent, steady approach to change, but long-term career decisions and financial investments can definitely pay off. Remember to use your contact list to send texts and make calls that can keep you in the loop and on the cutting edge of what you need to know.

Revolutionary Uranus is in your financially gifted first house this entire year, helping you make necessary changes that will positively impact your future. Again, there are few sudden movements that will benefit you this year, so continue to work at that steady pace while keeping an open mind. Exciting things are happening on a global scale in the financial world, which is where the networking we talked about earlier comes in. Pay attention to info you get from people who live in other parts of the world who might know something you don’t.