Aquarius Money & Career Horoscope
Remember that ambitious Saturn is in your second house this year, Aquarius, which has you thinking seriously about your self-worth. As you demand more from yourself regarding your career, your positive attitude can net you some pretty profitable rewards. You demand more professional respect this year as well, which can and should result in more lucrative job offers, promotions, tips, bonuses, etc. With one of your main goals for 2025 being financial security, your increased earning potential is a key factor.
Money goddess Venus links up with ambitious, aggressive Aries for most of April, motivating you to get promoted at your current job or find new opportunities elsewhere. You also have a very difficult time staying still in any capacity during this fiery transit, so you’ll want to be as active on the job as possible. If you’re looking for work, good job choices are in fields that keep you on the go and constantly learning new things. In other words, a sedentary desk job probably isn’t gonna do it.
Both your innovative home planet Uranus and lucky Jupiter are traveling with steady Taurus during the first half of the year, which could bring significant positive changes to your financial situation. These cosmic partnerships can be very good for building wealth as long as you’re patient and willing to wait for your long-term investments to pay off. Be sure to track global financial news and adjust your personal finances accordingly, or hire someone else to do it for you. Staying on top of worldwide financial trends is one of the keys to this year’s financial success.