Taurus Couples Horoscope

You definitely have an indulgent side, Taurus, and you spare no expense when spoiling your significant other. Indulging your passions and desires is encouraged this year, so go ahead and go HAM when it comes to love and romance.

Saturn’s placement in your friendship zone gives you plenty of opportunities to strengthen the platonic side of your romantic relationship this year, and spending time with other couples is extremely beneficial as well. Watching people interact with each other truly gives you a good idea of what you do and don’t want to do in your own partnership.

Love goddess Venus is your cosmic leader, so you tend to be a fantastic lover and a believer in true romance. You pay attention to details, and even though life will offer its share of difficulties in 2025, you’re a stable, reliable sign who doesn’t give up easily. With no Venus retrograde cycle tripping you up this year, you’re free to focus on the future instead of obsessing over the past. Who did what to whom isn’t as important as agreeing to let things go as you move into the future together.

Passionate Mars is a sexual power player, and things could reach the boiling point during its partnership with sizzling fire sign Aries and your zone of intuition in the early summer months. Although you’re very in tune with your partner’s needs and wants in the bedroom now, you also know exactly which buttons to push to get them all fired up (and not in a good way). Makeup sex might be fun, but it’s probably not worth the epic brawl that leads up to it during this aggressive transit.