Weekly Horoscope: August 16 – 22, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On August 15, 2021

In Astrology

Weekly Horoscope: August 16 – 22, 2021

This is a big week with some subtle shifts in energy as we move closer to the end of summer. We start the week with lovely Venus (planet of love) entering Libra on Monday. Venus is right at home in the sign of the Scales, making the next four weeks an excellent time for love. However, we could have trouble making decisions about love and financial matters. 

Sunday is a big day with a full moon in Aquarius. It could bring up some serious déjà vu from last month when the full moon was also in the sign of the Water Bearer. During the second time around, try not to start too much trouble with your rebellious streak. It could cause more harm than good. 

Sunday marks the beginning of Virgo season! The sun will be shining in practical, modest Virgo for the next four weeks, encouraging us to be sensible and practical and get our lives together. Strive to help others and be your best self. 

Your Weekly Horoscope Based on Zodiac Sign


Being an Aries, you’re naturally great at standing alone. But thanks to Venus entering your partnership zone, you’ll be asked to join up with someone else. Finally, the sun is moving into your zone of health, so it’s high time to get focused on that diet or workout routine.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Venus is moving into your sector of habit this week, Taurus. That means a lot of self-disciplining will be needed over the next couple weeks. Also, the sun moves into your pleasure zone, waking up some latent lust in your love story.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Romance is on the way, Gemini. Venus is making things a little more exciting when it comes to dating or spending time with your significant other. The full moon is in your philosophy zone this week, so it’s the best time to learn something new.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Venus moves into your home zone, giving you the perfect excuse to be the homebody you know you are. Spend time with family this week, Cancer. It’s in the stars.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Venus is moving through your communication zone,Leo. That means it’s time to socialize and tell people how you feel. The best time to bring up anything serious will be the full moon on Sunday—compromise is bound to happen!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Venus is in your value zone this week—which is making you want to spend a little more than normal. It’s okay to treat yourself every once in a while, Virgo. You deserve it!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Venus is your ruling planet, so when she’s in your sign, it’s the best time to show yourself a little self-love. Thankfully, the full moon is in your pleasure zone—making it the best time to take a break from work and stress.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Scorpio, the planet of love is hitting your privacy zone. It’s always nice to have someone who’s a little mysterious. But you don’t want someone who will end up hurting you in the end. Also, the full moon is about to bring some excitement to family dynamics.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Sagittarius, the planet of love is moving into your social zone—which means… it’s time to get out there and date! Use this time to be social. Date, reach out to friends, and enjoy the people you have in your life.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Venus is moving into your career zone, Capricorn. And what better excuse do you have to get to work? We know you’re all about your career, but with this transit, it’s likely you’ll see some luck in that career too.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Venus is moving into your philosophy zone, so it’s a great time to try new projects or learn something new. And with the full moon in your sign later, take time for you. It could bring some draining energy.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Venus moves into your intimacy zone this week, Pisces. That means your relationships are coming front and center in your life. Whatever you’ve been avoiding in your love life is about to get a highlight.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos courtesy of Pexels; Dziana Hasanbek

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