Sep 2024 - The way you communicate is spicier and more playful when Mercury pairs up with fiery Leo on July 2, so get ready to flirt and express your true desires. Here’s no reason to play hard to get during this sizzling transit. The more direct you are about what you want, the closer you are to getting it.

On the twentieth, intense, passionate Mars enters open-minded Gemini, encouraging you to take bold actions in your relationship. This is a great time to experiment with various types of sex and intimacy to see which new ones you might want to incorporate on the daily. The best thing you can do to help your love life during this action-packed transit is get out of your current routine.

There is a lot of potential for big relationship transformations during the sun-Pluto opposition on July 22, but you’ll have to get over some hurdles first. Intense emotions like jealousy, as well as power struggles, can stand in the way of you making progress now, so be sure to talk things out and find solutions that work for both of you. Compromise is essential, Aquarius.

More Horoscopes for Aquarius

Aquarius Compatibility and Traits

Aquarius Sign Compatibility

Aquarius Star Dates and Traits


Nothing says "quirky" quite like Aquarius energy does. This member of the zodiac embodies rebellion, creativity, eccentricity, and intelligence.

They're driven by a desire to evolve past antiquated ideals, and help society move into a more compassionate space. They can be seen as unpredictable or disorganized, but often surprise people with their streaks of brilliance and hidden genius.Learn More

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