Sep 2024 - There is definitely some spiciness in the air when witty Mercury partners with mega-flirt Leo on July 2, so don’t shy away from naughty behavior. You’re one of the biggest rebels of the zodiac, Aquarius, and your charming antics during this daring transit catch exactly the right person’s attention. Don’t mess it up! LOL

Fellow open-minded air sign Gemini starts hosting Mars, the great initiator, on the twentieth, so be sure to act on any offbeat ideas you get later in the month. You pair well with other air signs now, especially beautiful, balanced Libras who can match your oddball energy but still help you keep it together when you need to.

On July 22, a stressed sun-Pluto opposition can bring out some deep insecurities that have you questioning the good things that are currently going on in your love life. Sabotage much?! Why ruin a good thing based on what might (or might not) happen? Get out of your head and just have some fun. For now.

More Horoscopes for Aquarius

Aquarius Compatibility and Traits

Aquarius Sign Compatibility

Aquarius Star Dates and Traits


Nothing says "quirky" quite like Aquarius energy does. This member of the zodiac embodies rebellion, creativity, eccentricity, and intelligence.

They're driven by a desire to evolve past antiquated ideals, and help society move into a more compassionate space. They can be seen as unpredictable or disorganized, but often surprise people with their streaks of brilliance and hidden genius.Learn More

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